Sunday, February 26, 2006

about the other guy, and what I'm listening to

Back during the Blog-Is-Boring-a-thon, I noted that it would be fun to get someone to write this site for me. Just tell stories that were either directly or indirectly (or, heck, not at all!) related to me. Because I'm full of myself like that, eh?

After dealing with the throngs of (zero) dear readers who readily volunteered for this task, I was emailing with a friend who doesn't read this blog, but claimed to tell so many stories about me, and jumped at the opportunity... jumped! I tell you!... to post on here. I was flattered.

We said we'd talk about it more on the phone, and as is protocol for my catching-up with friends, we finally chatted three months later. Where I said, "Uh, write what you want. Try not to get me fired or arrested." and he said "OK."

Anyway, I'm not making any promises as to guest writer appearances, but if someone else shows up with something to say on here, you've been warned accordingly.

Frighteningly, he told ME a story about MYSELF that I had forgotten. It exposes a geek side of me I had buried long, long, long ago.

Man, at least it's not D&D. (but close enough! eeps!)

Speaking of D&D, this website comes courtesy of the potential guest writer. Posting this was one of the two reasons I wanted to log on here during my hiatus. (click on shows)

Gosh that was funny.

And speaking of embarrassing, ....

*er, this is getting too long, I'll finish it later.*

*PS: If you were observant, you knew this was coming already. Good for you. Here's a cookie.*


Blogger caseymichael said...

Intriguing! You know, I'd like to hear how the name "Nikki G" came about . . .

Monday, February 27, 2006 10:03:00 AM  
Blogger Nicole said...

I can tell you how it came about the first time, in grade school... but in college, hm... I don't remember.

Monday, February 27, 2006 11:21:00 AM  

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