Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Sorry, Bing.

Nope, I won't be home for Christmas. My parents have this thing where they like to use the holidays to travel to and explore new cities. Last year, New Orleans -- this year, San Antonio. So we all took flights to meet up here, deep in the heart of Texas.

That sounds completely random, I bet. Kind of, but kind of not. This year's destination was suggested by my friend, former roommate and San Antonio-native, Gabriela (yes, the same one who drove to Nashville this past weekend.) ... it's apparently a very Christmassy city. So here we are. I'm happy to get to hang out down here with her (and her fam as well.) over the holidays.

But do pray for my sanity as I hang out with my parents for several days in a row.

Thank you.

And in case I don't get back on here, happy holidays!


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